Mexican Family Names Newborn After 'Brexit'

Mexican Family Names Newborn After 'Brexit'

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Therefore, Britain could confirm its special status in the EU. As follows from the book, one of the main issues — migration from the EU countries, which displeased Eurosceptics, has been partially settled. As a consequence, the Great Britain would have become less attractive to emigration (due to reduction of social benefits and grants for “recent immigrants”). The pledges of the European Counsel not to apply to the Great Britain the statement of EU movement to ever-closer union should be attributed to D. Cameron’s achievements31.

In the fourth chapter “The EU Referendum Campaign” the author characterizes D. Cameron’s tactic which proved to be effective in 1975 referendum. At that time the British government emphasized economic gains from EEC membership. However, in the new conditions to the brexit news UK in 2016 the tactic proved to be “the great miscalculation”. Despite the fact that polls demonstrated positive attitudes of voters towards staying in a reformed EU, the government misjudged the public mood regarding both immigration and trust in ruling elites.

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Cameron, after improving the terms of membership the referendum was to reconcile two opposing camps by the results of vote to which the minority would be compelled to obey. Secondly, different political traditions of Britain and the EU that delivered discomfort for the British political tradition and for the way of life.

In the fifth chapter “The unfinished business of Brexit” consequences of voting for leaving EU are considered. The author analyzes two most challenging issues for the Great Britain. First, how to preserve access to privileged trading terms with the Common Market, while not being a member of EU. Second, how to preserve Britain as a single state as Scotland did not vote to leave the EU and did not want to leave the EU34.

This review essay focuses on the monograph of the British researcher A. Glenkross. It is devoted to the key topic in international discussions — Britain’s exit from the EU.

As a result, D. Cameron needed to avoid a stalemate and to proclaim a substantive victory, however result would depend on the response from other EU capitals. A. Glencross demonstrates that the objective of renegotiation of the UK membership terms was the necessity to conclude a new agreement with the European Council, but not leaving the EU. First of all, it was the UK attempt to do away with Britain’s treaty commitment to “ever closer union”, which meant for the Eurosceptics loss of the sovereignty and national identity28.

Mexican Family Names Newborn After ‘Brexit’

“The public expect to be able to hold their governments to account very directly and as a result supranational institutions as strong as those created by the European Union sit very uneasily in relation to our political history and way of life”18. As a consequence, Britain tried to withdraw EU from closer integration and at times have been seen as an awkward member state, explained T. May. According to her, David Cameron’s brexit negotiation was a “valiant final attempt to make it work for Britain” but “the blunt truth” was that “there was not enough flexibility on many important matters for a majority of British voters”19. A. Glenkross aknowledges that the idea to hold a referendum on EU membership penetrated all political spectrum and covered not only Eurosceptics from Conservative party, but also Laborers and Liberal democrats.

  • Cumberbatch plays the analyst behind the “Vote Leave” campaign that made aggressive use of social media, anti-immigrant racism, and outright lies about funding the National Health Service.
  • In late June 2016, a story wended its way through Spanish-language media about a baby born in Mexico whose parents decided to name her “Breksit,” after the heavily controversial vote by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
  • As a result, Britain tried to withdraw EU from closer integration towards federal union getting the nickname of «the strange partner».
  • British and would enable Eurosceptics to claim that EU was unreformed and was moving to a federative superstate.
  • The author analyzes two most challenging issues for the Great Britain.

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A. Glenkross analyzes in every detail the circumstances which have compelled the British Prime Minister D. Cameron to put a question of EU membership on vote. The reason for Britain to vote on EU membership, as A. Glenkross states, was the 2015 UK General Election that “set брексит новости the stage for this momentous decision. For despite heralding a return to one-party majority government, that election revealed a country torn between exceptionalist identity claims”2. 1 Glencross A. Why the UK Voted for Brexit. David Cameron’s Great Miscalculation.

The president of European Counsel Jean-Claude Junker has confirmed that “the concept of ever-closer union allows for different paths of integration for different countries”32. The grudging acceptance that a unilateral opt-out from unwanted single market legislation is impossible explains why getting the EU to focus on economic competitiveness was another Cameron priority. The UK government went into the renegotiation harbouring a legitimate concern that the Eurozone may act as a block within the EU, using its majority in the EU Council to pass laws, primarily for its own interests. As a result, financial regulations could be imposed on the City making it less globally competitive, thereby hurting a key UK economic interest. Lastly, there were the demands surrounding individual rights.

A. Glencross believes that D. Cameron’s tactics in 2016 — as with Labour in 1974 — 1975 — was to attempt a reconciliation of two camps, first through renegotiation of terms of EU membership. The author makes a conclusion that the problem with that strategy was that, “as the referendum campaign eventually demonstrated, there is both little common ground between the two factions and not much scope for change within the EU system”23. The British media and political establishment were divided over the merits of integration. The most significant consequence of this ideological hostility was a persistent information deficit among British voters.

Rather, the cause lay in France’s twin economic and political weakness, which “hampers its ability to guide the future course of European integration”29. The closing sequence returns to the pre-opening credits fictional future public inquiry, and Cummings outlining his disappointment at how the political system reacted post the Vote Leave victory, eventually walking out in disgust. Mills, who chairs the Vote Leave campaign, tries to have Cummings fired to merge with Leave.EU, however, he instead finds himself getting fired. Cummings’ database-driven approach causes friction with Vote Leave MPs and donors, such as John Mills, who expect to conduct a traditional campaign using posters and phone-calls/leaflets delivered by local MPs. The English are more concerned about securing benefits for England and retaining English sovereignty, for many of us in England Britain doesn’t really exist, clearly Labour under Corbyn wants to see Northern Ireland go as well and if the Scots want to become an anonymous tiny country reliant on the tender mercies of Brussels, England would be the last country to force them to change their mind.

However, the public opinion “was out of step with the government cost — benefit argument” and “David Cameron’s gamble proved a great miscalculation”4. The author ranks the 2016 referendum amongst the major political blunders of British Prime Ministers which caused shock waves across Europe and North Atlantic. The decision to delegate responsibility to the people ended up costing him his position as Prime Minister. EU heads of states and leaders of EU institutions were equally taken aback by this unprecedented reverse for European integration. reports and literature available at his disposal.

In view of a plenty of the literature appearing now concerning Brexit, A. Glenkross is one of the few scholars who analyzes its political reasons. As follows from the book, the main reasons which have led to the referendum on British membership in EU as well as to D. Cameron’s defeat were, firstly, the results of 2015 UK General Elections.

The other “more forgivable error of judgment concerned underestimating the opportunism of certain Conservative cabinet ministers” due to the fact that 6 ministers of the government voted to leave EU. However, the author fails to mention a traditional argument for the British Euroscep-tics that Britain and EU diverge in political traditions. It was repeated in the speech of the new Prime Minister T. May, who replaced D. Cameron. “Unlike other European countries, we have no written constitution, but the principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty is the basis of our unwritten constitutional settlement. We have only a recent history of devolved governance — though it has rapidly embedded itself — and we have little history of coalition government”.

As it becomes known from the book, the Eurosceptics demanded unilateral concessions for the UK, such as parliamentary veto on European legislative procedure, as well as concessions on fundamental principles of EU, in particular, concerning free movement of EU citizens22. statement such as “a pragmatic and utilitarian foreign policy stripped of a normative commitment to a European ideal of ever closer union”15.

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